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Tutoring Session

Personalized Learning

Each student will be matched with a highly qualified tutor who will design a lesson plan to match the needs of the individual student. Class times and lengths are up to the student to decide based on the goals of each student.

Public Speaker

Exposure to STEM

Each student will get the chance to learn more about a STEM topic of her choice while also getting the chance to listen to many female guest speakers talk about their careers.

Online Class

Wide Range of Classes

There is a tutor for every STEM-related interest, so we are able to offer a wide range of possible classes. We have many qualified tutors from computer programming to computer-aided design to robotics to math to science.



Leadership Opportunity

Becoming a tutor is a great way to demonstrate to colleges that you are a leader in your community. Tutoring can also be used to develop and refine your leadership abilities

Teaching English

Earn Service Hours

Girls in STEM is verified by the Howard County Public School System to give service learning hours to all of our tutors. Tutoring is an easy way to build up these service hours.

Doctor Teaching on Seminar

Special Access to Events

As a tutor, you will have priority when registering for events such as listening to guest speakers, participating in master classes, or participating in college panels


Pile Of Books

Providing Resources

Some money is needed to continue providing students with quality materials such as worthwhile worksheets and online programs.

Female Speaker

Inviting Guest Speakers

Many high profile guest speakers require a fee in order to invite. As a result, donations go a long way in providing high-quality guest speakers for students to interact with.

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